Wednesday, October 17, 2012

A Terrible Toddler!

So I have been having one heck of a time with my almost 18 month old. She is one outspoken little lady. And we cannot take her anywhere with out her screaming to get out of the shopping cart or the high chair. When we go to eat she usually will sit on either mine or Carl's lap until the food comes because we know that if she is in the high chair for too long we wont have a quiet dinner. We also don't order her food to come before ours because we would rather enjoy our food over one of us rushing to entertain her while the other eats. What a disaster!!! I honestly don't know what else to do other than give her what she wants. I feel like my little angel has turned into a little devil =(

I was searching the web for toddler advise and came across this website.. Baby Center and read some pretty interesting things, that aren't much of a help for me lol.  One of Kayden's biggest problems and my most hated, is her whining. She doesn't cry nearly as much as she whines, and it drives me crazy. Anyway... it goes on to say that toddlers whine because they aren't getting attention or the response from us that they are searching for. I don't have that problem. Kayden goes straight into whining before resorting to anything else. I just don't know how to handle it. Carl and I get so frustrated that we fight with each other.

Another non-helper.... It says don't take your toddler grocery shopping if they are hungry or tired... Not the solution here!!! I've tried it... Well slept and full tummy doesn't work!!!! Because now all she has is energy!!! Of course she's not going to want to sit in a shopping basket, she wants to get out, and run around. I took Kayden grocery shopping right before her nap and she was actually "well behaved" I put that in quotations because even still my little devil started her whining.

So in conclusion, I am not sure who writes this stuff, do they have children of their own? It makes me wonder.... Maybe ill write my own Toddler Help Blog. lol

The little fashionista. 

Love Linds.

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