Sunday, December 2, 2012

December Daily 2012

I know its been a while, like I said in my first post I may not stick with it. But i'm going to try again by journaling about my newest scrapbooking project December Daily.
This is my first year doing this and I am so excited! I ordered my kit through Studio Calico, a paper crafting company that I have become obsessed with.

I went out of the box and decided to use a 7x9 binder instead of the 4x6 the kit came with. I have a vision lol.  Here is a few of my foundation pages and cover.

I had a theme in mind with the cover but when I moved to the pages my theme changed. At first I wasnt very happy with it but its has grown on me. And theres always next year.

 Here are some foundation pages I have done. Sorry they are out of order. I didn't post the first page because I changed it when I did my first page today.



And here is the re done cover and first page, I am very happy with the outcome. I also broke down and purchased Ali Edwards designer digital overlays for all the days of December. I think it gives the photos a finished look. 


Hope you enjoyed. 
Love Linds.

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