Thursday, October 11, 2012

Disney Scrapbook

We went to Disney over the Summer for our first time as a family and for Kayden's very first time. Before we even went I went out and bought all kinds of Disney scrapbook embellishments to make a book before we even went. That way when we got back all I had to do was glue down pictures and that would be it. But it didn't happen that way. Well I finally got around to working on it and thought id share.

Im not finished yet, and its amazing how many pictures you can get and memories you can make just spending one day in the magical place. 

To add more definition to the album I punched holes in the edges of every page and tied a couple ribbons in each. I love that touch. I saved everything from the trip, from receipts, to coasters. I want Kayden to be able to look at this when she is older and see everything. From the prices of the food to the hotel we stayed at. 


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