Thursday, January 31, 2013

Project Life Week 1-4

Im back!!! Told you i'd get side tracked.
I have just about finished my December Daily and have moved onto my Project Life 2013. Which I am so excited about! I am a Project Life Kit Subscriber with Studio Calico. Which means for one monthly fee, I receive a kit with everything I may need for the month. Simple...
I decided to stick with a smaller album this year, so instead of the 12x12 I am using an 8.5x11. I figure I slacked a lot last year so maybe a smaller album would be better. And so far its working out great =)
So here are my first 4 weeks, of which I just completed and couldn't be happier about =)
Enjoy.... P.S They are all out of order, sorry.

Week 4 Spread

Week 4 Side 1

Week 4 Side 2

Week 4

Week 4

Week 4

Week 4

Week 2 Spread
Title Page

Week 2 Side 2

Week 3 Spread

Week 3 Side 2

Week 3 Side 1

Thanks, Linds

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